Toady Toad

When I was of pre-elementary age, maybe five or six years old, I found a toad in the creek by my house. I picked him up and carried him to my backyard where I showed him off to my two friends, Billy and Jake. Collectively, we decided to creatively name him Toady Toad. I brought him into my house to show my mother who was cooking dinner. To my surprise, she would not let me keep him in the house. She made me return Toady Toad to the creek. It was a few days before I returned to the creek again to find my new friend. I remember finding him (or a similar looking toad) on a rock in the creek. This time, I decided not to interact with the toad. But I remember feeling very excited to find him and relieved that he was still alive. I never saw Toady Toad again, but I like to think he is still hopping around that creek.

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