
Tut-tut, it looks like rain!
When I was little one of my favorite things was Winnie the Pooh, and who could ever forget the rainy days in the Hundred Acre Woods. I am slightly convinced that these cozy childhood memories are the reason I am so infatuated with rainy days now. In fact, I’m not just infatuated with rainy days, but I’m infatuated with the word “rainy.” A rain is not a storm. A storm implies thunder, lightning, wind, or some other majestic violence. But rain is a calmer, more steady drumming of water against the earth. It is peaceful and life-giving. A rainy day is a cherished day, one for staying inside and baking, or perhaps visiting local museums. For some such as myself a rainy day is for a long walk, and admiring how much greener everything looks when it rains.
A rainy sky can be many things; a summer rain while the sun still shines may create a rainbow, or an autumn rain in late October may cause leaves to loosen from their branches, causing a sky that rains not only water, but an array of orange, red, and golden glory. A rainy sky in the spring may be a pale gray, giving everything a hazy overcast. Or perhaps it is raining at night, and everything becomes illuminated in the way light reflects off of the wet surfaces. “Rainy” can be so incredibly beautiful. Rainy is memorable, always bringing me back to some of my most cherished childhood memories.

Tut-tut, it looks like rain!

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